DEMAND FOR HATE IN AMERICA OUTSTRIPS DEMAND: Police uncover hate hoax in San Diego. “A 39-year-old man in San Diego named Scott Rowin said he was harassed and then set on fire by a couple of men who targeted him because he is gay. . . . As described this really would be a terrible crime. But police did investigate and found the story was quite a bit different from what Rowin claimed. . . . What does seem clear is that Rowin was not set on fire by a pair of angry gay-bashers roaming the streets of San Diego looking for victims. So at this point, his story is looking like Jussie Smollett 2.0. Not coincidentally, the updated story below notes that Rowin has stopped responding to the reporter’s texts and calls seeking a reaction to the new information. Rowin should probably stop talking to the media and consider hiring a lawyer as his prior statements are not going to play well in court if he winds up facing assault charges.”