THEY USED TO PRETEND TO BE NONPARTISAN, BUT THEY’RE LEFTIST HACKS: Justice Alito Preempts ProPublica “Investigative Journalism.”

ProPublica’s latest research target is (you guessed it) Justice Alito. On Friday, ProPublica contacted Justice Alito, and asked him to respond to questions by a deadline of noon EDT Tuesday. Justice Alito provided such a response–in the Wall Street Journal.

Alito’s decision was a masterstroke. Rather than providing comments to ProPublica, which can be cherry-picked and quoted out of context, Alito spoke directly to the public. Indeed, I long ago decided that if any outlet was running a hit job on me, and asks me for comment, I would pre-empt their story and post my reply on the blog. Alas, most of the hit jobs on me never both seeking comment. But such is life.

Why did Alito speak directly to the public? Because there is a sustained movement to destroy the Supreme Court. In the past, the Court could have expected members of the Bar and the Academy to defend the Court. But no longer. Because five justices had the audacity to let the people cast votes on abortion (and in the past year, that decision has overwhelmingly resounded in favor of Democrats), the Supreme Court must be obliterated. I think several of the Court’s moderates and swinging left this term to forestall more attacks. Who would have predicted that Justice Sotomayor would the Justice in the majority the most on 6-3 “conservative” Court? Stay tuned for the affirmative action cases.

I have described Justice Alito as the heart of the Supreme Court. He defends the Supreme Court in ways that Chief Justice Roberts simply cannot.

Plus: “And who are you going to believe? ProPublica’s shoddy reporting in the past has undermined any benefit of the doubt.”

ProPublica is as trustworthy and accurate as Media Matters these days, which is to say only by accident.