CARTOON WARS UPDATE: Ian Schwartz has the video of my appearance on CNN, in which I’m rather critical of CNN’s decision not to show the cartoons.

UPDATE: Read this, too.

And a further “Heh” to Tigerhawk.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Well, this review of my appearance may provide a new InstaPundit slogan: “Reynolds may be boring but at least he’s not an actor.”

Sissy Willis has a transcript, and corrects a minor mis-speak on my part that I didn’t realize I’d made before, though now I see that Abbie Tatton got me to correct myself without my even realizing it. Well, I was bone tired by then, having spent much of the day taping book-related TV and radios stuff. I think I finished well, though, even if I was boring. But hey, I’m a law professor. Boring is what we do best!