ARE THEY FOR REAL, NOW? ‘Menstrual Equity For All Act’ to end ‘period poverty’ brought back before Congress.

At the risk of grossing out most of the readers, where and when I grew up we didn’t purchase “menstrual products.” We did what your grandmother did, and used cloth, which we washed. You’d think the oh, so ecologically friendly left would prefer that right? But no, they feel a need to put their hands into our wallets to buy pads and tampoons for other people. And don’t give me “Were so strapped they couldn’t afford–” I have never heard of this in the US, and trust me, I’ve been strapped at time. This is one of the most ridiculous excuses to point a gun at my head* I’ve ever seen.

*When you levy a tax you’re extorting money by force. While some taxes might be unavoidable they should pass a sniff test of “is this reason enough to point a gun at someone’s head?”