HOW CORRUPT IS THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE? This Corrupt. “The Deep State isn’t a cabal, per se. They aren’t gathering a (now marijuana) smoke-filled room plotting the downfall of America. Rather, they are a bunch of high-level bureaucrats who believe that they have the wisdom and the power to run the country, all the way down to what you are allowed and not allowed to say. They are America’s nomenklatura. The Elite run things regardless of who is in power, although they work hard to make sure that Democrats are in power since that party is happier to expand the money and power the nomenklatura have. The DOJ is at the top of the heap because they control the levers of coercive power, although you may have noticed that even the IRS and EPA now have heavily armed agents to bully citizens. . . . The Durham Report outlined many of these dangerous breaches of law, but of course, nobody is going to pay a price for the damage they have done either to the people involved, the country, or the rule of law. Instead, they are celebrated in the MSM.”
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