IT’S ALL BULLSHIT: Another Judicial Ethics Story About Justice Thomas Falls Apart. “The never-ending reporting on Supreme Court ethics has backfired. The goal was to demonstrate that certain Supreme Court Justices are behaving unethically. But in turn, each of these stories unraveled. The Justices either followed the rules, or made a good-faith error that was promptly corrected. If the entire media apparatus is unable to unearth actual problems, then we should take comfort: the Justices take their ethical obligations quite seriously.”

Plus: “The latest attacks on Justice Thomas have nothing to do with ethics. Instead, the attacks are about undermining the Supreme Court now that it no longer acts as a super-legislature for implementing the Left’s progressive policies. Other justices have also suffered baseless attacks on their ethics and character. The Left is weaponizing financial disclosures to smear conservative justices. It’s important for defenders of the Court to call this out for what it is. Meanwhile, Justice Thomas and his colleagues can hopefully continue to focus on their work: issuing legal opinions that are faithful to the Constitution.”

That’s because legal opinions that are faithful to the Constitution are the Left’s worst nightmare.
