UALR LAW IS HAVING A BAD YEAR: Stanford Comes to Fayetteville:

The bad news, however, is that the entitlement and intolerance exemplified by leftist students at Stanford found kin at Fayetteville. After the discussion ended, a former UA-Fayetteville law student in his mid-30s sought me out.

This adult verbally attacked me and called me a “waste of space”–explicitly due to my research, which I was invited to present. Fortunately, my trauma abated.

Progressive students at other schools have exhibited identical intolerance of conservatives, because the diversity and inclusion relevant to the left is solely pigment-and-plumbing based–not the one that matters: diversity of thought.

Sadly, higher education’s genuflection before the leftist idols of trigger warnings and safe spaces spawned a generation of addled adults adopting ad hominem attacks over appropriate argumentation. That this occurs at respected law schools demonstrates a remarkable failing of legal academia.

After all, lawyering is about the art of persuasion–not the bludgeon of bluster. These students, however, apparently haven’t been taught that lesson.

We’re beginning to see pushback on this, and that’s good.