porkbustersnewsm.jpgPORKBUSTERS UPDATE: The National Journal’s Daniel Glover notices that Senator Tom Coburn has put the PorkBusters logo on his website.

I hadn’t noticed that, but it’s pretty cool. As Glover observes:

Shared logos are becoming a regular feature in the blogosphere as bloggers unite in common causes. But it’s not often that you see one of those logos on a congressional Web site.

The logo from the PorkBusters campaign, in fact, appears to be the first to achieve that status. Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn has the logo displayed prominently on the right side of his Senate Web site, just under a ticker that shows the rapidly increasing federal debt. The logo also appears on a separate page dedicated to the PorkBusters cause.

Welcome aboard, Senator.

And remember: Congress is out of session now, so legislation is on hold, but that means that if you’d like to meet with your Congressmember while he/she is home, it’s a good time.