TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? Er, yes. But it’s already sold out, anyway, which suggests that not everyone agrees.

(Via who else? I’m embarrassed to say I thought he was making it up until I checked myself.)

UPDATE: Holy crap — reader Matthias Shapiro emails:

File this under “Reading Instapundit for Fun and Profit”

Thanks for your post on the Star Treck Ultimate Collection. Thanks to you, I was able to snap up one of the last two copies I could find on ebay for what I’m sure will end up being a relative bargain at $2499.99. Now the only choice is to cough up $3908.98 for the one and only remaining set. And only a crazy person would do something like that.

Apparently there are more of those out there than I imagined. And as one of the reviewers says: “[Y]ou should know that the average Star Trek fan is more affluent than any other fan base. AND you can bet your favorite tricorder that Paramount knows that too.” I guess so.