OF COURSE THEY DID: FBI Shielded Identities Of Undercover Assets Who May Have Been Inside Capitol On Jan. 6, Whistleblower Says.

The FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) affirmed that there may have been “undercover officers” and “confidential human sources” inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to whistleblower testimony obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. . . .

Many have speculated FBI agents were among the crowd on Jan. 6. In November, FBI Director Christopher Wray refusedto say whether or not the bureau had confidential human sources among Jan. 6 protestors when asked by Republican Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins. Executive Assistant Director of the FBI National Security Branch, Jill Sanborn, similarly dodged the question when it was posed by Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at a Jan. 11, 2023 Senate hearing. . . .

The FBI declined to comment.

It’s going to turn out that they set this whole thing up, isn’t it?

Given that it’s already been established that the government allowed/encouraged weapons to move from U.S. gun stores to Mexican cartels, so that they could use the presence of U.S. guns in Mexico as an excuse for more gun control, we can’t even pretend that they’d never stoop to something like that.