MORE PUSHBACK: The GOP has rolled out this TV commercial featuring leading Democrats talking about Saddam and WMD as far back as the 1990s. Whether the use of Traffic’s The Low Spark of High-heeled Boys as the soundtrack was deliberate or not, I don’t know, but I think we’re seeing another Karl Rove sucker-punch unfold.

UPDATE: Reader Sylvia Lutnes makes an interesting point:

Two days after 9/11 78% of Americans thought Saddam had something to do with the attacks according to a Washington Post poll (note prior polls at the bottom):

Could it be that Clinton and the Democrats had led us to believe Saddam was dangerous and capable of such a thing? Nah. They’d rather blame Bush.

I think it’s about time the ‘Bush led Americans to believe Saddam was connected to 9/11’ meme has to die.

As I say, interesting point.

MORE: Reader Rob Collins says Firefox can’t handle the embedded video, and suggests this direct link to the video for Firefox users.

STILL MORE: Reader Matt Nettleton emails: “How is playing somebody’s actual words, IN CONTEXT no less, a sucker punch?”

Depends on the sucker.