But like all viruses, it needs receptors to get inside. What aspects of our culture does it bind to?

UPDATE: A friend messages:

Re communism. It’s because young people are idealists, and believe history is not relevant to them, because they invented everything when they discovered it. Including communism.

It’s because people in bubbles like academia are sheltered enough that by and large they maintain youthful delusions.

It’s because powerful people, never subject to the strictures of the policy they push, have long recognized that that the false compassion socialism and communism cloak themselves in are useful tools for gaining, maintaining and expanding their power.

To the young, the world is new. It is being experienced for the first time. Communism and socialism speak to their notions of fairness.

Capitalism, property, the rights of other people who are not like them sound like something old people who never experienced this amazing new world talk about.

Pretty much.