FORMER TALIBAN FIGHTERS MISSING THE U.S.: “The Taliban used to be free of restrictions, but now we sit in one place, behind a desk and a computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Life’s become so wearisome; you do the same things every day.”
For 25-year-old fighter Abdul Nafi, who fought in the Taliban’s insurgency for seven years, the boredom and bureaucracy of life as a civil servant makes him miss the war.
“I sometimes miss the jihad life for all the good things it had,” he said.
“In our ministry, there’s little work for me to do. Therefore, I spend most of my time on Twitter. We’re connected to speedy Wi-Fi. Many mujahedin, including me, are addicted to the internet, especially Twitter.”
High crime rates in Kabul were also of concern to fighters like Mr Nafi.
“He’d grown up just like me. My boy was just like me.” Enjoy your victory, dudes.