ANIMAL, OR VEGETABLE, OR WHATEVER. “It surprises, in the 21st Century, particularly among the Greens demanding solar power, that so many remain unaware that ruminants are solar energy storage systems. Solar power causes plant matter to grow; as plants grow, they turn that solar energy into matter. Grazers eat that solar energy converted to and stored as plant matter, processing it into muscle they then store and use to move around to live, work for us, make more ruminants, and to fertilize the ground wherever they go, nurturing more grass which, powered by sunlight, grows tall, storing more solar energy for another ruminant to store and make use of. Humans consume this stored solar energy when eating beef, venison, rabbit, etc., allowing us to move, think, live, create.”

To be fair, Greens aren’t very big on humans moving, thinking, living, or creating.