SO MY FORTHCOMING BOOK IS ALREADY UP ON AMAZON, but did I find this out from the publisher? Nope. I found it out first from reading a blog.
Which is just more evidence in support of my thesis!
And so is the fact that the Indian Institute of Planning and Management, thanks to its efforts to suppress blog-criticism, remains at the top of the Technorati listings day after day . . . . Background here.
UPDATE: Reader Bob Schneider emails: “I think you’re being unfair to your publisher. Amazon posts new books in advance of their publication. It’s difficult for a publisher to keep track of just when a book will be posted.”
I wasn’t picking on the publisher — this is just a case of one computer talking to another, actually. I just thought it was funny that I got this from a blog first. I suspect that they were waiting to tell me about it until the cover graphic went up.
UPDATE: Up to #905 #814 on Amazon at the moment. Not bad for a book that doesn’t have cover art yet!