UPDATE: The mullahs in Iran are unhappy. But Bruce Kesler is both pleased and unsurprised.

ANOTHER UPDATE: “During the Iraq elections last January there were 347 terrorist attacks on voters and polling places. Today there were 13.”

And check out the Iraqi Elections Newswire for lots of reports and links.

MORE: Reader Stephen Stewart emails from Baghdad:

I am not as eloquent as most if not all of the people you reference on your site. I am just a retired First Sergeant working here in Baghdad supporting the troops, seeing some history and making a couple bucks.

The 10th of October I was working near Gate 12 to the Green Zone. It felt like a mule kicked me in the back. I thought “*&^%$% that was close and then car parts started raining down. We hit the deck, all this in miliseconds, and after a few seconds, I got myself workers and friends into the bunker. A car bomb, Not 50 yards from me lay the body of a young Sergeant, aquaintance of mine, he paid the ultimate price.

We had the memorial service on the night of the 13th. His buddies stood their post. We all did the “Soldier” thing of pats ,hugs, salutes and honor. They picked up their guns and went back to work. Yesterday everybody pulled back away from the patrolling near voting stations. They secured neighborhoods and History was made. Last January there were over 340 attacks during the voting. Today there were 13.

All this while up the street the Trial begins. Like clockwork. All by professionals who are fulfilling their oath, to a very opinionated country, to “support and defend the constitution of the United States, to Defend against all enemies Foreign and domestic and to obey the lawful orders of those appointed over them. Professionals doing their jobs, giving their time and lives to advance the cause of freedom and fullfill their oaths.

What a success. Anyone can find fault if fault is what they are looking for. Just stop a minute though and think of the success. This is why we sacrifice, this is why SGT. Jerry Bonifacio paid the ultimate price

Dare I say GOD bless SGT Bonifacio, his family and may God Bless America.

Indeed. More here:

I am watching the results of the Iraqi Constitutional voting, amazed. Amazed that no one is talking about this vote in the proper historical context. Because today will be as important to the War on Terror as the fall of the Berlin Wall was to the Cold War.

Read the whole thing.