HE DID NOT CALL FOR THE TERMINATION OF THE CONSTITUTION: Are you are reading entrails again? Trump is not that complex that you should read “into” what he says. He did not call for the termination of the Constitution. Here’s what he said:

What he’s saying is that we are PAST the rules, regulations and articles of the Constitution. Which we knew didn’t we? This was a color revolution, which means a revolution that uses the country’s rules and regulations against the country to install a usurping entity under the cover of law.

By definition there isn’t a way to remedy this situation within the law. Because the laws were subverted against us and themselves.

Trump is — as he always does — trying to get people to talk about things. He’s not calling for war or revolution. He never did. If he had the left wouldn’t have needed to try to inflate Jan. 6 (Other than some infiltrators behaving badly, a guided tour of the capitol) into a call for war and revolution.
Put you panties back on and stop twisting them. He’s trying — probably stupidly and quixotically — to solve this without calling for kinetic solutions. Because if we tip into that pot, we might never come out again as a Constitutional Republic.
Can we avoid it? I don’t know. I pray a lot.