It’s time someone praised and defended reckless teenage girls and young women who behave badly, dress provocatively, engage in risky sex, and get pregnant. They are the normal ones. The rest of us are the deviants. They are behaving in the most natural way. The rest of us are mutants. . . .

This is society’s real problem. Teenage pregnancy is trivial by comparison to suppressed pregnancy.

This is, in a weird way, a social-conservative piece. And I suspect it’s an early indicator of how the growing concern over Western demographics will play, even on the left.

UPDATE: A reader wonders if this post has gotten me hatemail from social conservatives. Nope. (Some people wonder if he’s any relation to Cindy Sheehan — not as far as I know, and that hadn’t even crossed my mind.) I just think it’s an interesting melding of usually-immiscible viewpoints, and wonder if it’s a harbinger of some shifts in thinking. Judging by the absence of hatemail, I guess everyone else saw it that way, too, or at least figured out where I was coming from.