JOHN FUND writes about loose talk regarding election fraud and quotes my law school classmate Joe Andrew:

Such cynicism exasperates some Democrats. Last year, Joe Andrew, who served as Bill Clinton’s chairman of the Democratic National Committee, blasted conspiracy theories that electronic voting machines, or DREs, would be used to steal votes and said “most liberals are just plain old-fashioned nuts” on the subject. He lamented that prominent Democrats “are rallying behind the anti-DRE bandwagon in a big election year because they think that this movement is good for Democrats.”

It wasn’t, of course. (In fact, too much of that kind of talk probably depresses turnout among one’s own supporters). I may be prejudiced, but it seems to me that the Democrats were doing a lot better when Joe Andrew, a sensible guy, was DNC chair. Maybe they should try to bring back some of the sensible guys.