The Mate was a mighty sailing man.WELL, I’M BACK: Actually, I got back last night, but I had family stuff to do today, and my guest-bloggers were doing such a good job that I felt no need to jump right in.

Did my almost-annual dive trip to the Cayman Islands. They’re recovering nicely from the tremendous pounding that they took from Hurricane Ivan, but the tourist industry — except for the cruise lines, about which more later — hasn’t quite gotten the word yet. The reefs are in excellent shape. I had expected them to have suffered a lot of damage from Ivan, but (other than the tunnel at Round Rock, which had suffered a rockfall that left it a bit narrower at the entrance) I didn’t see a whole lot of damage.

Thanks again to Ann Althouse, Megan McArdle, and Michael Totten for filling in. They’re great bloggers, and you should make their blogs regular stops, if you don’t already.

I’ll be back later. And Ann, Megan & Michael: If you’ve got more posts coming today, don’t be shy about putting them up!

What I'm missing now.