I KNOW THOUSANDS OF SCIENCE FICTION FANS WHO’VE BEEN GAMING THIS OUT OVER THE LAST SEVERAL DECADES:  Earth is ‘unprepared’ for alien contact, extraterrestrial experts warn.

After the virtuoso performance of experts during the last two years, I’ll take the geeks and reenactors, the Klingon language institute, the Star Trek and Star War LARPERS and even the inevitable Ensign and Storm trooper making out in the darkened back staircase of any given Science Fiction con (in defiance of their clan and fandom) over any dozen of experts, and call it superior.

My people are many things: misfits, odds, goats, strangely obsessive about things the rest of the world doesn’t value, and sometimes, just sometimes, a little bit lost. But some infiltrators trying to civilize us not withstanding, none of us — not one of us — nor even a dozen of us could have managed to create the cock up and human misery that the “experts” effortlessly produced in the last two and a half years.  If the aliens land, bring them to us. We’ll handle it. We’ve been treated as aliens ourselves, most of our lives.