JOHN LUCAS: On Nov. 7, Americans Honor Those Killed Fighting For Us In Vietnam. “Next week I will participate in the reading of the names of the fallen who are memorialized on the Vietnam Wall. Starting on Monday, Nov. 7, and going until midnight each day, it will take three and a half days to read all 58,281 names on the wall. For those of us participating, it is part of our promise never to forget and always to honor the lives of our friends and comrades who gave their all in the service of the nation. People now forget, never knew, or choose to lie about it, but aside from family, friends, and the military, the country did not truly mourn their deaths. Neither individually nor as a group were they accorded the honor, the respect, or the sorrow — whether ersatz or real — of the sort now heaped upon drug-addled criminals killed by police. Since then, a few of those who slandered them have apologized. But very few. Others have tried to pretend that they opposed the government but ‘supported the troops’ all along. To put it politely, balderdash. We remember you. Not to remember would be to betray our comrades whose names are carved on the wall. We remember that privileged college students, faculty, the left, and much of the Democrat Party supported the killing of our soldiers. They now pretend otherwise. But in their classrooms, at their “anti-war” rallies, and on their TV networks, they lauded our enemies. They waved the flags of our enemies who were trying to kill us, and who did kill those memorialized on the wall. That flag-waving was intended to encourage our enemies in their bloody work.”