IT WILL BE INTERESTING TO SEE IF THE FALLOUT FROM THIS DRIVES DOWN YALE’S U.S. NEWS REPUTATION SCORE ENOUGH TO TOPPLE IT FROM #1 IN THE RANKINGS: More Law Profs Debate Judge Ho’s Boycott Of Yale Law School Grads For Judicial Clerkships. The reputation scores survey not only law professors but judges and practicing lawyers.

Related: Robert Steinbuch: Be Quiet So You Can Hear the Free Speech at Yale. Be vewy, vewy quiet: “Yale Law School has seen a series of attacks on conservative speakers by leftist students. Rather than firmly address the disruptive students’ violations of school policies, time and time again Yale administrators found ways to excuse the wrongdoers and intimidate the victims. Yale certainly isn’t alone in this shameful behavior, but it has elevated to an art form, perhaps unmatched in influence, its open hostility toward conservative ideas and open support for leftist disruptions, eggshell outrage, and violence.”