PRO-LIFE CENTERS 22 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO SUFFER POLITICAL VIOLENCE: President Joe Biden talked a lot Wednesday evening from Washington, D.C.’s Union Station about political violence, declaring that Americans “must unite to make it absolutely clear that there is no place for political violence in America.”

If Biden actually meant what he said, he would immediately direct Attorney General Merrick Garland to put the FBI to work investigating and bringing to justice the perpetrators of the wave of violence since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision against pro-life centers.

The Washington Stand reports on a new study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) that found pro-life pregnancy counseling centers, which provide services that are an alternative to abortion, are 22 times more likely to be violently attacked than Planned Parenthood facilities.

“Vandals and domestic terrorists attacked pro-life churches and pregnancy resource centers 135 times between May 3, when a still-unknown party leaked the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, and September 24,” according to the Stand’s Ben Johnson.

“Researchers verified six attacks on abortion facilities during the same period. ‘The bottom line is that after the Dobbs decision was leaked, there was over 22 times more violence directed against pro-life groups than pro-choice organizations,’ said the study, performed by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC).”