SHOCKER: Poll shows blacks oppose defunding the police.

A poll that shows ridiculously low support from black voters for defunding the police should be the final nail in the coffin for Democrats’ anti-law and order campaign of the last seven years. commissioned a poll, along with the Kaiser Family Foundation, which found that 82% of black respondents want police funding either to be kept about the same (48%) or increased (34%). Only 17% wanted it decreased.

It’s just like Kari Lake said in a recent confrontation with a reporter. If you go into most black neighborhoods and talk about defunding the police, they’ll look at you “like you’re the craziest person on the planet.” But it’s one thing for a white, conservative Republican to say it — it’s far more important to hear black respondents in a poll confirm it overwhelmingly.

We have pointed it out here again and again and again. In any given year, the police shoot and kill less than 20 unarmed black men, according to the Washington Post database of police shootings. This year, it’s only six so far.

That it is even that many is a tragedy, but it’s also a very low number, signifying an event that is extremely rare in a population of 330 million.

Barely even enough to sustain a concerted propaganda campaign.