YET ANOTHER NEGATIVE REVIEW for FX’s show Over There. “[A] smorgasbord of stupid, replete with every cliche and every simplistic and cartoonish characterization of the military imaginable. . . . While the combat inexplicably starts and stops to allow the characters to have time for idle banter, the pain from the crappy dialogue is never-ending. Then you have the real silliness that is bound to offend anyone who ever served in the military.” Ouch.

UPDATE: Okay, okay, I have to quote this part, too:

I couldn’t even finish the show, and as I write this it is playing in the background, and I hear someone screaming in agony. I wasn’t aware the show was filmed in front of a live studio audience.

Ouch, again.

ANOTHER UPDATE: In the comments — It’s the Cop Rock of the 21st Century! Did I say “ouch?” I think that I did.