OOPS: New York governor’s race takes sudden turn after Zeldin surge. “After spending the summer pounding Republican opponent Lee Zeldin as an anti-abortion, Donald Trump acolyte, Hochul is finding out what other Democrats across the nation are also learning: Crime and the economy are crowding out abortion rights and the former president’s troubles as top of mind issues for voters.”

Do tell.

Plus: “The Quinnipiac poll ranked crime as the top issue among voters — above protecting democracy.”

That’s because voters realize that “protecting democracy” is just a slogan for “keeping Democrats in power,” and that Democrats in power are what led to the problems with crime and the economy.

Note to Democrats: If you want voters to focus on your culture-war issues, it helps if you’re competently discharging the basic tasks of government. But you can’t do that. You don’t even want to do that.