IF IT WERE PRIESTS THIS WOULD GET SATURATION COVERAGE: At least 269 K-12 educators arrested on child sex crimes since January.

UPDATE: Eugene Volokh comments: “I appreciate your point in this post, but wouldn’t the denominator matter? There are apparently 3.1M public school teachers in the U.S. (https://www.statista.com/statistics/185012/number-of-teachers-in-elementary-and-secondary-schools-since-1955/), and about 35K priests (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priest_shortage_in_the_Catholic_Church). Indeed, if 269 priests were arrested on child sex crimes charges, that would be nearly 1% of all priests in the country, and would be a huge story. But wouldn’t the right comparator be if 3 priests were arrested on child sex crimes charges, which is a percentage of priests close to 0.01% (269/3.1M)?”

Well, that’s a good statistical point.