LEGAL CHALLENGE MOUNTED TO ZUCK BUCKS: This has the odor of a rotten scandal developing for Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. Capital Research Center’s (CRC) Hayden Ludwig reports that two complaints have been filed with the IRS that focus on three non-profits to which Zuckerberg and his wife gave millions for the express purpose of turning out the vote in 2020.

All three groups claim to be non-partisan, of course, as well they must in order to retain their tax exempt status. But the first of the complaints points out that the actions of the exempt trio indicate they went about their activities in a hyper-partisan manner. The second complaint alleges that the Zuckerbergs claimed improper tax deductions in connection with their contributions to the trio.

Here’s a taste of what Ludwig and his colleagues at CRC found when they dug into the patterns and practices of the Zuck Buck’s recipients:

“In reality, these ‘Zuck bucks’ promoted insecure drop boxes to collect the unprecedented flood of mail-in ballots created by last-minute election law changes—mostly engineered by Democratic elections officials — in key states across the country, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Very little of the money went to personal protective equipment.

“Wisconsin, in fact, was ground zero for the first influx of Zuck bucks to the state’s five cities, which in summer 2020 produced a joint Safe Voting Plan that hinged upon early voting and vote by mail with funds from a private organization, CTCL. Zuck bucks even paid for a mobile voting van — a ‘polling booth on wheels’ — in Racine.

“On a per-capita basis, CTCL’s Zuck bucks overwhelmingly favored Democratic vote–rich cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit over counties that broke for Donald Trump. In Pennsylvania, CTCL grants in Trump counties averaged $0.60 per capita compared with $2.85 in counties Joe Biden won. In Georgia, it was worse: $1.41 per capita in Trump counties versus $5.33 in Biden counties.”

This could get really interesting, so keep an eye on it.