DAVID CORN RESPONDS ANGRILY to claims that he was the Plame-outer. (“And, by the way, Mark Felt was not Deep Throat; it was me.”) Given that she never seems to have been outed at all, really, this seems like a non-issue to me. And this roundup of the lefty blogs’ response from Slate suggests that the scandal is pretty much over:

Plucky liberal Joshua Micah Marshall offers what he hopes will be the Democratic line on the scandal. “The entire Wilson/Plame story and the Rove/White House criminal probe sub-story are just so many threads thrown off a much larger and more consquential ball of yarn: the administration’s use of fraudulent evidence of an Iraqi nuclear weapons program to seal the deal for war on Iraq with the American people,” he writes at TPMCafe. Atrios, E Pluribus Unum, Ed Cone, and others on the left are opening up another front in the war on Rove, passing around a New York Times column that attacks the advisor for turning 9/11 into a domestic political opportunity.

When the loudest critics start changing the subject back to their old discredited talking points, well . . . .

UPDATE: Cliff May responds to Corn here — and scroll up from that post for more.