REPORT FROM THE BLUE ZONES: Battenfeld: Michelle Wu’s real record on traffic-stopping street protests.

Three years after she helped block traffic in a climate change protest, Michelle Wu awkwardly batted away questions about the latest demonstration to snarl traffic in the city — this time from her perch as Boston mayor.

In 2019 as a city councilor, Wu excitedly joined a few hundred protesters with the extremist environmental group Extinction Rebellion in protesting fossil fuels by shutting down a major Boston roadway, tweeting a video “Taking the Congress St bridge” from her @wutrain account.

Wu on Wednesday danced around questions about whether she supported XR’s latest demonstration that shut down several streets and intersections and resulted in 15 arrests. . . .

Why isn’t Wu condemning the traffic disruptions? Because that’s not part of her agenda or her constituency.

Wu did nothing to alert Boston commuters to the protests Wednesday morning or deter them from showing up. The demonstrations came on the same day that National Grid announced a 64% spike in electricity rates this winter, but did Wu do anything about that burden on average ratepayers?

Interesting that Wu fully understands and accepts when protesters stand in front of traffic, disrupting people’s commutes and small business customers, but when it comes to a handful of people with cowbells in front of her house then she puts her foot down.

Wu never even acknowledged that she took part in a street protest a few years ago, but she can’t distance herself from her protest days. She’s Boston’s most left mayor in history, whether it’s banning fossil fuels in new construction, advocating a free MBTA, creating new city offices like the “forestry” division at taxpayer expense, or embracing new car and bicycle lanes that are squeezing out motorists.

It would be nice if Wu had the same compassion for the average middle-class person that she has for far-left extremists.

Sure, but then she wouldn’t be a Massachusetts Democrat.