THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING: I don’t get many modeling jobs, so I was happy to pose in a t-shirt for But I’ve been amply repaid, as something about that photo just keeps driving people to make utter fools of themselves. Though perhaps that’s not such a great feat, considering . . . .

In a somewhat-related item, here’s a collection of Robert Heinlein quotes, via Bill Quick.

UPDATE: The Insta-Wife followed the link to Wolcott’s post and observes that he completely misunderstands the point of her film. True, but probably not as much as he would if he had actually seen it . . .

At any rate, nothing says more about the decline of the old media establishment than seeing someone like Wolcott — once, whether merited or not, a man of some consequence — reduced to snarking (repeatedly!) at internet t-shirt ads in a desperate bid for attention. Just because Gaia listens to you, James, doesn’t mean that the rest of us do.

ANOTHER UPDATE: A Heinlein fan makes the rubble bounce.