Throughout the last campaign season, senior Democrats had a standard line in their speeches, usually delivered with righteous anger, about how “nobody has a right to question my patriotism!” Given that nobody was questioning their patriotism, it seemed an odd thing to harp on about. But, aware of their touchiness on the subject, I hasten to add that in what follows I am not questioning Dick Durbin’s patriotism, at least not for the first couple of paragraphs. Instead, I’ll begin by questioning his sanity. . . .

Every third-rate hack on every European newspaper can do the Americans-are-Nazis schtick. Amnesty International has already declared Guantanamo the “gulag of our times.” But I do believe the senator is the first to compare the U.S. armed forces with the blood-drenched thugs of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. Way to go, senator!

Read the whole thing.

UPDATE: Roger Simon wonders if the Democrats are “breeding a new generation of Father Coughlins.” Actually, I think it was bred 40 years ago; it’s just reaching maturity now.

BlackFive has collected some military reactions to Durbin, too. And here’s another from a Vietnam POW.

ANOTHER UPDATE: A call for the Senate to censure Durbin for his remarks. Reader Monica Moncrief remarks:

I find the censuring idea interesting since Senators would have to vote on it, and therefore take a position on the comments. It would be fascinating to hear the opposing Senators’ positions.

Yes, it would certainly put them on the spot. Meanwhile, Dave Kopel injects a note of critical reason lacking from discussions by Amnesty and Sen. Durbin.

MORE: More on censuring Durbin here.