HOW STUNNING IS THAT, REALLY? Axios: Biden and team stunningly unprepared for their trillion-dollar Academia bailout. ” According to Axios, the White House didn’t bother to gather the data on eligibility, didn’t create a system which would check it, and has no system yet in place to fully complete the process.”

It’s pretty sad:

The agency doesn’t have income data for most of the 43 million Americans eligible for forgiveness, meaning around 35 million people — including Pell Grant recipients — will have to attest that they makes less than $125,000 per year and apply for relief. …, the government’s financial aid website, experienced significant delays Wednesday and Thursday after it was inundated with people seeking information on loan forgiveness.

The White House doesn’t know exactly how many eligible borrowers will actually end up applying for loan forgiveness — or how much it will cost.

The Education Department hasn’t yet released the website where people can apply for loan forgiveness by attesting that they meet the income requirement — and it’s still unclear when that will be released, a person familiar with the matter tells Axios.

Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.

Related: BREAKING: Penn-Wharton pegs Biden’s Academia bailout potential cost at $1 trillion.