NO MORE US FUNDS FOR WUHAN LAB: It got little media coverage but the House Appropriations Committee approved a provision barring any U.S. funds from being used to support China’s Wuhan lab.

There is a key lesson here for the Republicans if they regain congressional majorities in November: If you don’t support a federal activity, any federal activity, STOP FUNDING IT. And remember, when Biden, the Dems and the Media begin screaming, under the Constitution, you have all the leverage because you control the budget.

Approve a budget minus the stuff you oppose, then challenge Biden to sign it or shut down the government. The onus on any subsequent shutdown is then on the Democrat in the White House, not Republican majority in Congress.

And one more thing: Stop thinking of the annual federal budget as an executive branch management blueprint. That kind of budget thinking is a product of the Wilsonian progressive era. The Constitution’s budget is a tool for legislative direction of the executive branch’s administration and enforcement of the law.