I STILL THINK THAT BILL FRIST would have been better off following my advice.

Josh Chafetz observes: “I can think of few better ways to drive me and my fellow independents into the arms of the Democrats.”

UPDATE: James Joyner: “I support Frist’s efforts to get judicial nominees an up-or-down vote and even support invoking the so-called ‘nuclear option’ to get it done. However, this particular move is not only unseemly but likely to backfire. . . . This is clearly an issue the Republicans should be able to win on the merits. The idea that the president’s nominees should not be able to get a vote in a Republican majority Senate is simply bizarre. But arguing that Democrats are defying Jesus with their obstructionism is unlikely to turn this one around.”

Hugh Hewitt feels differently.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Matt Rustler: “Is it any wonder that some people believe the ‘Religious Right’ is trying to establish an American theocracy? I’m starting to worry, too, and I am — er, was? — mostly on their side.”