BUREAUCRATS WITH GUNS: What Were Police Thinking? News About the Uvalde School Shooting Just Keeps Getting Worse and Worse. “Tony Plohetski, an investigative reporter for the Austin-American Statesman, tweeted a picture showing police stationed outside the classroom where more than a dozen children were murdered. The officers, armed with rifles and at least one ballistic shield, were in the hallway near the classroom at 11:52 a.m.—58 minutes before they breached the locked classroom, and 19 minutes after the gunman entered the school. At 12:03 p.m. a second officer with a ballistic shield arrived, followed by a third a few minutes later.”

UPDATE: From the comments: “This is government. Government is a costly, inefficient and ineffective way of organizing human behavior. Government will stand outside the door while innocent children on the other side of it are murdered in cold blood. Any time you are tempted to vote for an expansion of the government’s scope and power, remember Uvalde.”