CBS CAMERAMAN DETAINED FOR INSURGENT TIES: The Mudville Gazette has a roundup, and Robin Burk has some observations:

All of the major news outlets need to be taking a deep and critical look at the way in which they have been using locals to report news in Iraq. Whether it be hiring the translators that used to be paid by Saddam (and still may be linked to the Ba’athists) or the ‘freelancers’ that reported for CNN and other outlets from within Fallujah and elsewhere, if the networks are going to pay these people and take their reports at face value, then they are also morally and ethically aligned with them.

Many Americans see the press as not neutral, but actively opposed to U.S. war efforts. The press doesn’t seem to appreciate the depth of the problem.

UPDATE: Reader C.J. Burch emails:

The story isn’t that CBS is employing terrorists. The story is that no one is surprised CBS is employing terrorists. What’s more, I suspect that most Americans, say about 52% of them, feel that most of the MSM outlets with any presence at all in Iraq are employing terrorists.


ANOTHER UPDATE: Roger Simon has some Pulitzer-related thoughts.