THEY WANT YOU TO LEAD A MORE CONSTRAINED LIFE: High fossil fuel prices are good for the planet—here’s how to keep it that way.

Related: “So those high prices for gasoline and the long, chaotic lines and canceled flights at the airports are not a bug, they’re the lynchpin of the whole scheme, which is itself part and parcel of the entire Great Reset project (about which much more tomorrow; watch this space). In order for the Lords of Davos to control you they must first curtail and control your freedom of movement, and what better way to do that than to make the price of oil prohibitively expensive? First your cars stop moving, then the trucks that deliver almost everything of value, including food, to the stores. An inability to move freely and without government oversight will vanish as computers take over your automobiles and which, when they are fully electric, can be disabled at will. As they like to say: You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy. What better metaphor, then, for the parlous state of our national affairs than the sight of Biden on his keister after toppling off his bike over the weekend.”