AS SAN FRANCISCO BACKS OFF FROM STUPID CRIME POLICIES, BOSTON PREPARES TO GO ALL IN: Will Michelle Wu stop the power grab by arrogant Boston city councilors?

Amid troubling signs of a potential summer crime increase, Mayor Michelle Wu is in the unenviable position of settling a power grab by unhinged city councilors and “defund the police” advocates against the city’s powerful cop unions.

Wu has just days to decide whether to accept a $13.3 million cut in the Boston Police budget and pay raises for City Council staff approved by newly empowered councilors.

Wu could amend the budget however she likes, including to restore some of the cuts to police, but the council could override her decision with a two-thirds vote.

Wu’s original budget proposal included only a 1% cut in the police budget, but it’s unclear now how willing she will be to take on the City Council, a body she used to lead. . . .

The $13 million cut in the police budget — mostly coming from overtime — would be funneled back to youth programs and to the council itself, which wants to raise the pay of its staffers.

Boston managed to avoid most of the George Floyd violence and crime, and I guess they’re disappointed by that.