POPE JOHN PAUL II HAS DIED, according to Fox News. (Via BNN, which reports that he declined further medical treatment last night).

UPDATE: Ann Althouse: “Such a well-lived life!”

The Anchoress has the whole story covered.

ANOTHER UPDATE: The Teaching Company has made two lectures on the papal succession process available for free online.

Similar material in text form, here. (Via Hugh Hewitt).

Video of President Bush’s remarks, here. “The world has lost a champion of human freedom.”

MORE: Power Line’s John Hinderaker finds something truly amusing in the New York Times’ coverage — be sure to check out the screenshot he saved. Heh.

Johnathan Pearce: ” Pope John Paul II was one of the great figures of our age. However controversial a figure he may have been for his views on issues like abortion, birth control and capitalism, the late Pope was, in my eyes, a hero for playing a part in giving people in Eastern Europe the confidence to bring the Soviet Empire down.”

MORE STILL: Stephen Bainbridge, Jay Solo, and Gerard Van der Leun have posts.

So does Donald Sensing. And Arthur Chrenkoff.

From the comments at Tim Blair’s:

Final score for the 20th century:

Ordinary Poles, 2.
German intellectuals, 0.


STILL MORE: Larry Kudlow has a long, and deeply personal, reflection.