In 2018, after the DNC and its opposition research goons tried to destroy me during the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, the readers of Instapundit graciously offered me support, both financial and spiritual, to survive while I worked on a book about my battle against the New American Stasi.

That manuscript is now being edited by the good folks at Bombardier Books for a fall release. The research, writing and re-writing was a lot of work, but the result, I hope, will stun and edify you and tell the truth. Unlike Michael Avenatti, I do not spend other people’s money on planes and sports cars, and the book effort has left me a bit drained, and not just emotionally. (Not a lot of folks were offering me jobs in 2018.) I’d like to make one last appeal to Instapundit readers to help us make it through the last few weeks of editing. This project would not have been possible without you, and ever dime went to and goes to the basics of survival while I did this work. (You’ll love the title.) I have a GoFundMe page, but for those who don’t want to use it, I also have a UPS address: 3220 N St. NW #175 Washington, D.C. 20007. God Bless you guys.

Mark’s currently waiting tables to make ends meet, so he can use the help. I donated just now. (Bumped.)