GREYHAWK OF THE MUDVILLE GAZETTE has put in his 20 years. In an email, he observes:

As an Active Duty guy this means I can retire and get half my pay (or from another angle, that I’m now actually working for only half my pay) – a figure that can be called ‘modest’ at best. But that and some small advertising income may allow me to devote full time energies to blogging, and I’m seriously considering it.

I wouldn’t quit my dayjob for blogging, but then I’m not eligible for retirement. If you’d like him to go fulltime, be sure to patronize his blog advertisers, buy things via his Amazon links, hit his tipjar, send him positive email, etc. In other words, do what you’d do for any blogger you like.

He’s certainly on a hot streak — just keep scrolling. Maybe pro-blogging will suit him!