MORE EVIDENCE RUSSIAGATE WAS ‘DEEP STATE’ INVENTION: Margot Cleveland has been one of the handful of journalists who have consistently from the beginning of the Russiagate scandal stayed on top of this increasingly unbelievable scandal.

Today in The Federalist, Cleveland points out evidence CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm that claimed Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was itself “easily spoofed” by others connected to the plot to frame Donald Trump.

“Concerns over CrowdStrike’s analysis reemerged after Special Counsel John Durham indicted former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann for allegedly lying to FBI General Counsel James Baker. That indictment and other documents filed in the Sussmann criminal case revealed that cyber-security experts assisted tech executive Rodney Joffe in crafting deceptive data and white papers to create the false appearance of a secret communication network between Trump and the Russian-based Alfa Bank. Sussmann then fed this ‘intel’ to the CIA and FBI.

“After the election, Sussmann also provided the CIA with deceptively cherry-picked data to suggest a connection between Trump or his transition team and Russians, using cyber-tracking of a Russian Yota cell phone. To compile both the Alfa Bank and Yota phone hoaxes, according to the indictment, Joffe exploited proprietary information he had access to because of his positions in various tech companies. More troubling still was the revelation that Joffe used sensitive data from the Executive Office of the President in his attempt to frame Trump.”

There is more, much, much more to come.