THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HAS MUCH MORE SERIOUS MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS THAN THIS: Flirty emails got Mark Schlissel fired. A deeper history weighs on Michigan’s flagship. “Schlissel’s case raises complex questions about the private lives of college leaders, including whether they can really have private lives at all. There are questions, too, about the power dynamic that exists between any college leader and a subordinate, and what effect a boss’s affair may have on the workplace. But there is a simpler reason people couldn’t stop talking about Schlissel’s demise: The president made a fool of himself; it’s an easy story that an undergrad could render in full with a piece of sidewalk chalk. Less simple, and more consequential, is how the university responded to some of the earliest known allegations of sexual harassment made against a future provost.”

Meanwhile, here’s more background on (ex) President Schlissel. More here.

Also: U-M Refuses to Disclose Its President’s Politicking. “The University of Michigan is withholding some emails its president sent regarding President Donald Trump, claiming their content is protected under the Freedom of Information Act. The university, which took 106 days to respond to the open records request, claimed the content in those emails were ‘preliminary and advisory in nature.'”

He should’ve been fired for that.