LIFE ON MARS: Phil Bowermaster wonders why this story isn’t getting more attention:

A pair of NASA scientists told a group of space officials at a private meeting here Sunday that they have found strong evidence that life may exist today on Mars, hidden away in caves and sustained by pockets of water. . . .

What Stoker and Lemke have found, according to several attendees of the private meeting, is not direct proof of life on Mars, but methane signatures and other signs of possible biological activity remarkably similar to those recently discovered in caves here on Earth.

If it’s not green-skinned alien babes — preferably with White House press passes — the Big Media folks probably don’t care much. Still, as Phil observes: “If, like me, you suspect that there is probably life elsewhere in the universe, what does it say about how abundant life may be if we just happen to find some on, oh, you know…the next planet over?

On the other hand, as this report from Jules Crittenden notes (and as Phil suggests, too) it’s partly a case of caution lest the story not pan out.