STAY-AT-HOME DAD JAMES LILEKS Fisks the Newsweek story on stay-at-home moms:
When it comes to expectations about gender and roles and accomplishments and the latest theories about childrearing, I have a secret mantra:
I don’t care.
I know, I know. Easy for me to say. But shout it out loud! I DON’T CARE! Feels good, no? Now meet my hero. Don’t miss the last line. They don’t get it. Even if they ordered it and put it on their platinum Amex, they wouldn’t know where to have it delivered.
You know, in retrospect, I wonder if some will think this is somehow anti-women. Can’t help that. But the entire article seems anti-women, to me. I live in a world of moms, and their sense of ingenuity and amusement are a constant source of delight.
Read the whole thing.
UPDATE: More on the Newsweek article, from a working mom, here.