AGAIN? Biden Just Stuck His Foot Straight in His Mouth in a Way That Could Set off WWIII.


Flashback: Biden acts much more like Putin’s puppet than Trump ever did.

I’m talking, of course, about Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who at his shambolic Wednesday press conference gave Russia the go-ahead to invade Ukraine, though it was quickly walked back by backwalker-in-chief Jen Psaki, his press secretary.

The last time something like that happened was in 1950, when Secretary of State Dean Acheson gave North Korea what appeared to be a green light to invade South Korea. The result was the Korean War. One hopes Biden’s blunder will not bear similar consequences.


UPDATE: From the comments:

Just remember the modern function for Impeachment.

It’s for trying to remove a President who would have prevented this disaster from happening.

And then why they haven’t impeached him yet makes more sense.


Related: The ‘cabal’ that bragged of foisting Joe Biden on us must answer for his failed presidency.

ANOTHER UPDATE: At least there’s some comic relief along with the tragic incompetence: