K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: “Misled, angry, scared”: Another campus sexual assault cover-up in Virginia.

This has some parallels to the Loudoun County incident that catalyzed the parental rights movement in 2021, although this time the parents of the victim didn’t address the school board. One does have to wonder, though, what might have happened had one or both of them had chosen to do so. Would they have been arrested for demanding answers from school officials as the father of the victim was in that incident?

And here’s another question: why did it take five months for this to come out? This sexual assault occurred in the same time as the Loudoun County controversy went national. After watching that situation unfold, the ACPS’ decision to withhold critical safety information from parents looks even more deliberately malicious. At the very least, it contradicts any claims that the school board might have of working in “good faith” with parents. How can anyone in Alexandria trust that school officials — and for that matter, the elected officials in on the secret — tell the truth about safety issues when they’re covering up a gang rape at one of their facilities?

Putting your kids in public schools, especially in Blue jurisdictions, is looking like parental malpractice.