ED CONE NOTES another lame story about the Internet, from the New York Times Magazine:

For its cover article The Making of a Molester, the magazine asks if the Internet “allowed Roy to go from being a seemingly normal man to a man who could solicit sex from a 12-year-old?”

Um, no?

I read the article. I was duly horrified. But when I got to the part where Roy goes all pervy, there was nothing to suggest that the Internet had ANYTHING AT ALL to do with his sickness.

Nope. But the Times is scared of the Internet.

UPDATE: A Slashdot reader looks at previous NYT coverage: “Dr. Bob Hamburger, associate shaman at Ye Olde Schoole Of Medickal Arts and Alckemy, considers the automobile to be a new horse for child molestation: ‘There are three areas of concern. First, the molesters can use these ‘cars’ to travel to children, getting to them much faster than they could using just a horse or even a team of horses. Second, the automobile’s interior can be used as an area for molestation. Third, the easy accessibility can facilitate moving over boundaries.'”